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TTP - Patch Alpha58 -=Problem=-
Verfasser Nachricht
Roter Baron

Beiträge: 25
Registriert seit: Jun 2005
Beitrag #17

Hier mal meine Newgrfw.cfg:

meine ttpatch.cfg
// **** Neue Einstellungen ****

abandonedroads 0

aiboost 0

aibuildairchance 5041

aibuildrailchance 30246

aibuildrvchance 20164

aichoosechances off

autorenew -6

bribe on

bridgespeedlimits 90

buildoncoasts on

buildonslopes on

buildwhilepaused on

canals on


cheatscost on

curves 120

custombridgeheads on

debtmax on

// `disasters' (-XD) ermöglicht die Wahl, welche Katastrophen passieren können. Bitkodierter Wert, Standard 255 (alle Katastrophen).
disasters.zeppelincrash on // Allow zeppelin crash
disasters.smallufo on // Allow small UFO
disasters.refineryexplosion on // Allow refinery explosion
disasters.factoryexplosion on // Allow factory explosion
disasters.largeufo on // Allow large UFO
disasters.smallsubmarine on // Allow small submarine
disasters.largesubmarine on // Allow large submarine
disasters.coalminesubsidence on // Allow coal mine subsidence

diskmenu on

electrifiedrailway on

enginespersist on

enhanceddifficultysettings off

enhancegui on

errorpopuptime 10

eternalgame on

experimentalfeatures off

extpresignals on

extradynamite on

fastwagonsell on

feederservice off

fifoloading off

forceautorenew on

forcerebuildovl off

freighttrains off

fullloadany on

gamespeed 0

generalfixes on

gotodepot on

gradualloading on

higherbridges on

keepsmallairport on

largertowns 4

largestations on

loadtime on

// `locomotiongui' (-U) enable the new locomotion style gui.
locomotiongui.usenewgui on // Enable the new gui
locomotiongui.defaultnewgui off // Use the new gui by default (with this disabled the new gui can be reached with ctrl, when enabled with ctrl the old gui will be used)
locomotiongui.defaultstation off // Make the station build button open the locomotion gui station tab.

longbridges on

lostaircraft 90

lostrvs 150

// `lostships' (keine Option in der Befehlszeile) gives a warning about lost ships after the given number of days. Range 5.1000. Default 400.
lostships 400

// `losttrains' (keine Option in der Befehlszeile) gives a warning about lost trains after the given number of days. Range 5.1000. Default 150.
losttrains 150

lowmemory off

mammothtrains on

manualconvert on

// `maprefresh' (-YR) overrides the frequency TTD updates the map window. Lower numbers mean faster refresh and more CPU usage. TTD's default is 64. Range 1.255. Default 1.
maprefresh 1

// `miscmods' (-Yo) ermöglicht es, die Arbeitsweise bestimmter Features zu verändern. Bitkodierter Wert. Standard 0 (keine Änderungen).
miscmods.nobuildonbanks off // towns don't build on waterbanks
miscmods.servintonlyhuman off // servint setting doesn't apply to AI players
miscmods.noroadtakeover off // towns don't claim all roads in the scenario editor
miscmods.gradualloadbywagon off // gradual loading loads wagon by wagon first
miscmods.dontfixlitres off // don't change litres so that 1000 l is a ton instead of 100 l
miscmods.dontfixtropicbanks off // don't fix bank types in the sub-tropical climate
miscmods.dontfixhousesprites off // don't fix offices being displayed as churches
miscmods.oldtownterrmodlimit off // don't change the upper cost of terrain modification for towns
miscmods.nozeppelinonlargeap off // prevent Zeppelins from crashing at large airports
miscmods.nodefaultoldtracktype off // don't use previous track type as new default
miscmods.usevehnnumbernotname off // don't change news messages to use vehicle names
miscmods.norescalecompanygraph off // don't rescale company graph when companies are deselected
miscmods.noyearlyfinances off // don't display yearly finances on Jan 1st
miscmods.notimegiveaway off // don't try to give time slices away to conserve power
miscmods.nodesynchwarning off // don't warn about multiplayer games being desynched
miscmods.noworldedgeflooding off // don't let the edge of the map flood
miscmods.doshowintro off // don't skip the game intro
miscmods.nonewspritesorter off // don't use new sprite sorting algorithm
miscmods.noenhancedcomp off // don't enhance savegame compression algorithm
miscmods.breakdownatsignal off // don't fix trains breaking down while waiting on red signals
miscmods.smallspritelimit off // don't increase the sprite limit
miscmods.displaytownsize off // display town size in the name
miscmods.noextendstationrange off // don't increase the maximum allowed distance between station sign and industry for cargo to be delivered
miscmods.nooldvehiclenews off // don't generate news messages when vehicles get old

moreairports on

moreanimation 4096

morebuildoptions.ctunnel on // allow crossing tunnels
morebuildoptions.oilrefinery on // allow oil refinery everywhere
morebuildoptions.moreindustries on // allow more than one industry of the same type
morebuildoptions.removeobjects on // allow removing statues, lighthouses and transmitters
morebuildoptions.removeindustry off // allow removing industries
morebuildoptions.closeindustries off // allow same industries to be very close to each other

morecurrencies 0

morehotkeys on

moreindustriesperclimate on

morenews on

moresteam 23

moretownstats on

morevehicles 5

morewindows 20

mountains 120

mousewheel.cursorzoom on // Zoom at cursor location instead of screen center
mousewheel.safezoom off // Zoom only after rolling wheel two notches
mousewheel.legacy on // Enable support for older (legacy) operating systems and drivers (not normally needed)

moveerrorpopup on

multihead 0

networktimeout 10

newagerating on

newbridges on

newcargodistribution on

newgrfcfg newgrfw.cfg

newhouses on

newindustries on

newperformance on

newplanes on

newrvcrash 1

newrvs on

newships on

newshistory on

newspapercolour 2000

newstations on

newtownnames on

newtrains on

noinflation on

nonstop on

officefood on

pathbasedsignalling off

// `planecrashcontrol' (-Xc) ermöglicht es einzustellen, wann Flugzeuge abstürzen können. Bitkodierter Wert, Standard 1.
planecrashcontrol.normdis on // normal plane crashes off if disasters off
planecrashcontrol.jetsdis off // crashes of jets on small airports off if disasters off
planecrashcontrol.normbrdown off // normal plane crashes only for broken down planes, rate * 4
planecrashcontrol.jetssamerate off // same rate for jets on small airports and normal crashes
planecrashcontrol.normoff off // normal plane crashes off
planecrashcontrol.jetsoff off // jets on small airport crashes off

// `planes' (-p) erhöht die maximal verfügbaren Flugzeuge. Bereich 1.240. Standard 240.
planes 240

planespeed off

plantmanytrees.rectangular on // Enable planting over a rectangular area with 'Ctrl'
plantmanytrees.morethanonerectangular off // More than one tree on a square in the rectangular planting mode

presignals on

resolutionheight off

resolutionwidth off

roadvehs 240

rvqueueing on

saveoptionaldata on

selectgoods off

semaphores on

servint off

sharedorders on

ships 240

showfulldate on

showprofitinlist on

showspeed on

signal1waittime 70

signal2waittime 20

signalsontrafficside on

signcheats on

sortvehlist 10

spread 20

stableindustry on

startyear off

stretchwindow off

subsidiaries on

tempsnowline on

tgractstationexist 5

tgractstations 10

tgractstationsweight 55

tgrfizzydrinksinoptim 30

tgrfizzydrinksinweight 30

tgrfoodinmin 80

tgrfoodinoptim 20

tgrfoodinweight 30

tgrgoodsinoptim 20

tgrgoodsinweight 20

tgrmailinoptim 25

tgrmailinweight 10

tgrmailoutweight 10

tgrpassinmax 5000

tgrpassinweight 40

tgrpassoutweight 40

tgrsweetsinoptim 20

tgrsweetsinweight 20

tgrtownsizebase 60

tgrtownsizefactor 63

tgrwaterinmin 80

tgrwaterinoptim 20

tgrwaterinweight 30

townbuildnoroads off

towngrowthlimit 80

towngrowthratemax 600

towngrowthratemin 20

towngrowthratemode 2

townminpopulationdesert 60

townminpopulationsnow 90

townroadbranchprob off

toylandfeatures.lighthouses on
toylandfeatures.woodlands off

tracktypecostdiff on

trainrefit on

trains 240

unifiedmaglev 1

verbose off

wagonspeedlimits off

win2k on

windowsnap 10

Hilft das was bei der Ursachenfindung?
11.09.2005 14:49
Webseite des Benutzers besuchen Alle Beiträge dieses Benutzers finden
Thema geschlossen 

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
[] - mb - 06.09.2005, 11:45
[] - Bernhard - 06.09.2005, 12:05
[] - SLC_Shadow - 06.09.2005, 23:30
[] - RK - 07.09.2005, 06:16
[] - lordi - 07.09.2005, 22:28
[] - Bernhard - 08.09.2005, 07:07
[] - SLC_Shadow - 10.09.2005, 11:51
[] - AnD - 10.09.2005, 12:40
[] - SLC_Shadow - 10.09.2005, 12:47
[] - AnD - 10.09.2005, 12:48
[] - SLC_Shadow - 10.09.2005, 12:56
[] - AnD - 11.09.2005, 06:16
[] - mb - 11.09.2005, 08:49
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 13:05
[] - mb - 11.09.2005, 13:39
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005 14:49
[] - mb - 11.09.2005, 14:59
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:33
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:34
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:34
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:35
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:35
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:36
[] - Roter Baron - 11.09.2005, 20:37
[] - SLC_Shadow - 12.09.2005, 01:39
[] - pETe! - 12.09.2005, 04:07
[] - SLC_Shadow - 12.09.2005, 11:49
[] - mb - 12.09.2005, 12:34
[] - mb - 13.09.2005, 17:24
[] - SLC_Shadow - 14.09.2005, 13:09
[] - mb - 14.09.2005, 13:42
[] - Chris Stone - 18.09.2005, 17:30
[] - pETe! - 18.09.2005, 18:21

Möglicherweise verwandte Themen...
Thema: Verfasser Antworten: Ansichten: Letzter Beitrag
  Problem mit den DB grafiken im aktuellsten patch chad 3 1.397 29.10.2005 18:23
Letzter Beitrag: chad
  TTP - Patch Alpha65 -=Problem=- killermoehre 1 1.086 25.10.2005 22:28
Letzter Beitrag: pETe!

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