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How can I get help - Druckversion

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How can I get help - DoruHush - 02.04.2007 21:14

May I ask question in english?

RE: How can I get help - ramstein7 - 02.04.2007 21:28

Why not?

RE: How can I get help - DoruHush - 03.04.2007 00:01

How can I increase the font size in the help menus and second how can I choose an other mix font/background in the pop up menus and signs (not the "company colour method ). I can not read the fonts , they are to small and they are obstruct by the background)

RE: How can I get help - Bernhard - 03.04.2007 06:31

i think this ist not possible. Of course you could change the 'game-font' but then the messages won't fit in their windows.

but you could try this. pressing 'STRG' + 'D' makes the hole game-screen 'twice'-big (thats wrong english, but i think you understand?), will expand all.

RE: How can I get help - Matthi - 03.04.2007 10:17

That means 'CTRL'+'D'. Zwinkern

RE: How can I get help - DoruHush - 03.04.2007 10:17

Bernhard schrieb:.

but you could try this. pressing 'STRG' + 'D' makes the hole game-screen 'twice'-big (thats wrong english, but i think you understand?), will expand all.

For obvious reason you have a german keyboard . I have an english keyboard.I saw something in the wiki pages and I will assume that "STRG" corespond to "CTRL" because I don't have a "STRG" key.
I'll try that and hope for the best.

I use a Linux/Ubuntu OS so I can not use .exe file.
I found on this forum a list with the grf files used in TTD and OTTD very well ( if I may say so ) organised ( it is in .xls format) . But I don't speak the language.It is any possibility to have one in english?
English is not my native language so I make mistakes too., but so far I understand what you are saying .
Thank you for the advice.

RE: How can I get help - Bernhard - 03.04.2007 11:19

there is a grf to use an other font :


perhaps that helps?

STRG is the same as CTRL . of course .

to translate our grf-table is very much work. take a look here:

edit: url-fix

RE: How can I get help - DoruHush - 03.04.2007 12:39

I can't access the
I know the grfcrawler (it is good) , but not always point to the grf that works with OTTD.
I solved the problem with the resolution , I set the resolution to 640x480 (or something like that--the last one) and full screen.
I want a collection of grf set that work together well in OTTD 05.1 RC2 and do that :

1. renew the town buildings
2. new industry do all the above in tropical (if possible)

I used UKrenewal set and I want to use DBset but in the readme file from that one I saw that have some limitation.

Thank you for all your good advice.

RE: How can I get help - DoruHush - 03.04.2007 12:51

I find a way to access the url. In your post has something attach to the end of the url .
I know the grf , I use it but I don't see any improvement .I think it should be placed before something and after something else.And I don't know who they are.

RE: How can I get help - Bernhard - 03.04.2007 18:06

the grf makes the font SMALLER !

RE: How can I get help - RK - 03.04.2007 22:45

You can zoom in OTTD when you press CTRL+D and in TTDP when you enable "stretchwindow".
English forums:
And use the zoom function of your browser instead making all fonts bigger here.